Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fresh New Kicks

 Time for a change. On the top, the original sneakers I've had through my entire journey. Just your average, run of the mill, Wal-Mart special sneaker. Countless hours on treadmills and believe it or not I was wearing these when I did my 7.5 miles of the Tely 10.

On the bottom, the upgrades. My new Nikes. These things are so comfy and cushioned and designed for running. A new start calls for new and better footwear. Thanks to my friend Sarah for the help and getting me pointed in the right direction to best take care of my feet and by extension my body as I get in shape.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Weight Loss Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Almost six years ago now my life changed. While working, a coworker and I were held up at gunpoint. That sent me to my doctor who sent me to a psychiatrist to work on fixing my head. I decied there and then that if I was going to fix my head, I'd fix the train wreck that was my body at the time too. With my doctor's help and testing, I found that although I was 398lbs, I was lucky that aside high blood pressure, I had no other issues. My cholesterol was fine, my blood work was fine, my lungs were fine, my liver, kidneys and other assorted good and plenty was fine. I was a candidate to be pre diabetic but like my weight, we could get that under control with a change in diet and starting to exercise. 

So I started.