Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Boom go the Fireworks

So CBC ran a story about a St. John's City councilor who is taking a stance on Fireworks, to show his constituents that he's doing something. But he also said the City's hands are tied when it comes to the use of Fireworks.

Now I'm just an average idiot with access to Google to search things out and it only took me about five minutes to find the City of St. John's By Laws. You think a City Councilor would be able to look these up as well....

City of St. John's



3. No person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of sound resulting from an act listed herein, and which sound is clearly audible at a Point of Reception:

(3) The detonation of fireworks or explosive devices not used in construction, unless authorized by the Office of the Fire Commissioner and the St. John’s Regional Fire Department.

St. John's Open Air Fire Regulations.

2. In these regulations:
(b) "Open Air Fire" does not include any fire which is caused, set, lit or otherwise ignited in open air fireplaces, grills or barbecues on private property, but does include fireworks displays.

3. No person or persons shall cause, set, light or otherwise ignite an open air fire within the boundaries of the City without first applying for and obtaining a permit from the Chief of the St. John's Regional Fire Department.

While I had Google open, I decided to check the municipalities of the Metro Region.

City of Mount Pearl


2. Interpretations

In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires
e) "Fireworks" means a combustible or explosive device for producing a striking display of light or a loud noise, use for signaling or as part of a celebration.

4. Peace and Tranquility

Notwithstanding Section 3, the following acts, among others, are hereby declared to be noises which disturb or tend to disturb the peace and tranquility of the City or any portion thereof:
h) the discharge of fireworks or explosive devises on any day with the exception of New Year's Eve, and Canada Day

5. Fireworks On New Year's Eve and Canada Day
No person shall discharge fireworks except:
a) between dusk on December 31 and 00:30am on January 1, more commonly known as New Year's Eve; and,
b) between dusk and 11:00 p.m. on Canada Day.

Town of Paradise


5. Noise Restrictions

a) No Person shall emit or cause or permit the emission of sound resulting from an act listed herein, and which sound is clearly audible at a Point of Reception, except as exempted in these Regulations:

iii) The detonation of fireworks or explosive devices not used in construction, unless authorized by the Enforcement Authority and subject to the approval of law enforcement or other regulatory agencies, with the exception of statutory holidays as declared for New Year's Eve and Canada Day.

Town of Conception Bay South


Noise and Nuisance Regulations

7. Fireworks and Explosive Devices

(a) No person shall detonate fireworks or explosive devices, not used in construction, within the Town unless authorized by the Chief and subject to the approval of law enforcement or other regulatory agencies, with the exception of statutory holidays as declared for New Year's Eve and Canada Day.

Then there are the Newfoundland Provincial Regulations



Fire Protection Services Regulations under the Fire Protection Services Act


18. (1) A person shall not discharge aerial fireworks unless a permit from the fire commissioner is obtained authorizing the discharge or display.


Funny how all these regulations exist but people making petitions, politicians and the media can't seem to find them anywhere...

The problem isn't needing regulations then it seems, the problem is enforcing what's already in place. If only there was some kind of group or force in place for policing and maintaining public safety... Oh wait, there are two, the RNC and RCMP depending on jurisdiction.

So how about instead of people making online petitions and passive aggressive social media postings, they actually report violators to the proper authorities so they can be charged with breaking the law?

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