Friday, November 09, 2012

How to lose 3344 words

So far I've  been holding my own in the NaNoWriMo challenge.  I've met or beaten the daily word goal for the fist 8 days of the challenge.  Today is Day 9 and Houston, we have a problem.
Today is my Birthday (YAY ME) celebrating 34 trips around the sun on this universe amusement  ride called earth.  I'm not planning on doing any writing today or tomorrow.  Today I'm spending relaxing and hopefully meeting up with friends that I haven't seen in a while and maybe tonight having a couple of beverages.

Tomorrow I'm sleeping late and then meeting up with more friends that I haven't seen in a while for more drinking and good times. The overall theme of relaxing and drinking defeats my inner writer.  I just want to take a couple of days off from it and everything and chill and just enjoy my birthday weekend.

The goal is 1667 words a day and I've been surprising myself with how well I've done with that goal.  But now I'm gonna drop 2 days, tthat's 3344 words that I'll fall back. 

Can I catch up? Will I catch up? Will my brain explode as I try to catch up? Can I possibly write coherently after a 26er of rum?

Stay tuned to find out


Stylin' Steve

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