Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Chanelling Cave Johnson

*Tap Tap* This on? Ok...

My fellow Newfoundlanders and/or Labradorians, notably those of us on the Eastern side of the island, putting things bluntly, we're screwed. Someone, I'm not sure who yet, went and pissed off Mother Nature and now we're facing a Snowmageddon. Lab boys tell me that the weather control machine is nearing overload and we can only maintain clear skies into overnight tonight.

We trained for this in November people! Remember when we ran through a test of the Snowpocalypse emergency measures, well it's that time again. Now I've been out around and so far things are going well, a couple of grocery stores have been ransacked but we can do better!

By better I mean clean those shelves completely! Then line up at your nearest gas stations to empty their reserves as well! I will remind you though that we DO NOT need a repeat of November's water incident! Leave the water supply alone! I cannot stress enough that we cannot enjoy our ill gotten booty from looting during the storm if we can't flush a toilet.

All that being said, good luck people. I'll be watching it all from my well stocked and secured underground bunker, which by the way is not located in the South Side Hills... 

*covers mic* what's that? we don't have the bunker? well what do we have? two refrigerator boxes covered in a blanket and half buried in a sandbox? ...

*Ahem* Change in plans, due to major budget constraints, it looks like I'll be riding this one out with the rest of you... couldn't even get a proper cave... stupid boxes...

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