Saturday, September 29, 2012

Weekend Geekery

So I'm in Corner Brook this weekend for a Sci-Fi Convention. The drive out was great, we had a disorganized convoy of cars playing catch up across the island at various rest stops. I streamed parts of it to my ustream channel and shared them to YouTube.  It was a fun way to pass the trip and we even found an app for smartphones that turns them into almost walkie talkies so we could shoot voice messages back and forth like texts without having to call each other constantly.

It's great catching up with old friends, seeing people that I haven't seen in a while, seeing the vendors and booths setup and everyone having a great time. It's nice to come to a con and just wander around and relax and not have to do 1000 little things. Not that I mind that at Sci-Fi On The Rock, it's just nice to be able to wander and enjoy for once instead of being involved in the running. Jeff and Matt and their team have done an amazing job setting this up, the panels so far have been great, the dealers room is well stocked and the food in the pub is really good. If East Side Mario's had a menu like the Crown & Moose, I wouldn't mind eating there all con weekend.

The only strange thing that I've found is that when I was going through the pictures that I've taken so far, I came across a picture that I didn't take. I have no idea where it is, only that it was taken yesterday at about 2pm, which would put me roughly in Bishop's Falls for lunch. My iPhone was either mounted to the dashboard of my car, or in hand to stream videos and text people.  It never left my possession and yet there is this mystery picture that somehow appeared on the phone.  I checked with a couple of the people from the convoy and none of them can identify the room in the picture either.  It's really weird that it's on my phone.
strange picture
I don't know the room and it doesn't match any place that we stopped yesterday.  It looks like someone's house, but not one of anyone that I know. 

Anyway, I have to get to a panel on paranormal investigation. 



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